
TECNALIA RESEARCH & INNOVATION (www.tecnalia.com) is a private, independent, non-profit applied research center of international excellence. Legally a Foundation, Tecnalia is the leading private and independent research and technology organisation in Spain and one of the largest in Europe, employing around 1,300 people (219 PhDs) and with income of 102.5 Million € in 2015.

The whole team at TECNALIA has one GOAL: to transform technology into GDP, meaning wealth to improve people’s quality of life through generation of business opportunities for industry. TECNALIA is committed to generate major impacts in economic terms, by means of innovation and technological development, addressed by 7 business divisions covering the economic sectors of Energy, Environment, Industry, Transport, Construction, Health and ICT. TECNALIA has been granted over 396 patents and promoted more than 30 spin-off companies.

TECNALIA is a key agent in the ERA – European Research Area. TECNALIA actively participates in the governing bodies of several European Technology Platforms, PPPs and JTIs (EEB, FOF, SPIRE, ARTEMIS…). In FP7 partnered in 377 projects, coordinating 81 of them; in H2020 TECNALIA participates in 138 projects, coordinating 29 of them, up to March 2017. TECNALIA is a member of EARTO, linking together the most important research organisations in Europe.

TECNALIA Ventures is a wholly owned subsidiary for the commercialisation of innovative technology-based results, turning innovative technology assets into new profitable and sustainable businesses and generating economic value for society. TECNALIA Ventures focuses on accelerating the development of disruptive technologies to transform them into investable business opportunities and managing the portfolio of TECNALIA spin-offs, currently integrated by a portfolio of 15 start-ups in a wide range of sectors.

The University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV), Tecnalia and Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) are the founding members of Euskampus (2010, http://euskampus.ehu.es/en/), a project with attained the qualification of International Campus of Excellence from the Spanish Ministry of Education (2010). Euskampus partners with the PRES of the Universities of Bordeaux in the Euskampus-Bordeaux Transborder Campus.

TECNALIA is an equal opportunity employer. Current ratio of female/male employees is 44/56.

The current project will be carried out by the ICT Division in Tecnalia.

The ICT Division’s mission is researching for new procedures to create an interconnected, interactive world, more efficient, friendlier, safer and with better services and contributes in the creation of new technological solutions and smart products. The working team is composed by people of the Cyber-security and Safety Research Group (www.cyberssbytecnalia.com/). TECNALIA’s Cyber-Security and Safety Research Group works on integrated security and safety technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, devices, programs and data from attack, malfunctions, accidents or unauthorized access.


Role in the project

TECNALIA will act as distributed ledger/Blockchain and smart contracts technology provider by leading the design, development and integration of Blockchain related PoSeID-on solution. Tecnalia will also support the implementation of Santander pilot.