ISACA Rome Chapter webinar – the PoSeID-on project
The webinar held at the ISACA Rome chapter on April 30th was organized to promote the Poseidon project. The event hosted many important figures from the fields of security and cybersecurity, the public administration and the IT governance.
The webinar presented the purpose of the project, the results obtained so far giving evidence of the GDPR theme and the ethical and social impacts of Poseidon on the stakeholders.
The event addressed also the hot topic of the right to be forgotten and then moved towards the drivers that led to the architectural choices of the platform (why the PoSeID-on platform is made the way it is), explaining the various components of the system at a high level.
The technical topics were then focused on the:
• Permissioned blockchain
• Quorum constellation
• Smart contract
• Burnable pseudo-identities solution
• Risk management module
• Privacy data analyzer,
• Dashboard
Finally the demos of the dashboard and the use cases of the MEF and Softeam were presented to the webinar audience.
The presentation can be found here.